360 research outputs found

    On Integrability of spinning particle motion in higher-dimensional black hole spacetimes

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    We study the motion of a classical spinning particle (with spin degrees of freedom described by a vector of Grassmann variables) in higher-dimensional general rotating black hole spacetimes with a cosmological constant. In all dimensions n we exhibit n bosonic functionally independent integrals of spinning particle motion, corresponding to explicit and hidden symmetries generated from the principal conformal Killing--Yano tensor. Moreover, we demonstrate that in 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-dimensional black hole spacetimes such integrals are in involution, proving the bosonic part of the motion integrable. We conjecture that the same conclusion remains valid in all higher dimensions. Our result generalizes the result of Page et. al. [hep-th/0611083] on complete integrability of geodesic motion in these spacetimes.Comment: Version 2: revised version, added references. 5 pages, no figure

    Quantum and Classical Dynamics of a BEC in a Large-Period Optical Lattice

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    We experimentally investigate diffraction of a Rb-87 Bose-Einstein condensate from a 1D optical lattice. We use a range of lattice periods and timescales, including those beyond the Raman-Nath limit. We compare the results to quantum mechanical and classical simulations, with quantitative and qualitative agreement, respectively. The classical simulation predicts that the envelope of the time-evolving diffraction pattern is shaped by caustics: singularities in the phase space density of classical trajectories. This behavior becomes increasingly clear as the lattice period grows.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Adiabatic Geometric Phase for a General Quantum States

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    A geometric phase is found for a general quantum state that undergoes adiabatic evolution. For the case of eigenstates, it reduces to the original Berry's phase. Such a phase is applicable in both linear and nonlinear quantum systems. Furthermore, this new phase is related to Hannay's angles as we find that these angles, a classical concept, can arise naturally in quantum systems. The results are demonstrated with a two-level model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Effect of mixing and spatial dimension on the glass transition

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    We study the influence of composition changes on the glass transition of binary hard disc and hard sphere mixtures in the framework of mode coupling theory. We derive a general expression for the slope of a glass transition line. Applied to the binary mixture in the low concentration limits, this new method allows a fast prediction of some properties of the glass transition lines. The glass transition diagram we find for binary hard discs strongly resembles the random close packing diagram. Compared to 3D from previous studies, the extension of the glass regime due to mixing is much more pronounced in 2D where plasticization only sets in at larger size disparities. For small size disparities we find a stabilization of the glass phase quadratic in the deviation of the size disparity from unity.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. E (in print

    Chaos and Order in Models of Black Hole Pairs

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    Chaos in the orbits of black hole pairs has by now been confirmed by several independent groups. While the chaotic behavior of binary black hole orbits is no longer argued, it remains difficult to quantify the importance of chaos to the evolutionary dynamics of a pair of comparable mass black holes. None of our existing approximations are robust enough to offer convincing quantitative conclusions in the most highly nonlinear regime. It is intriguing to note that in three different approximations to a black hole pair built of a spinning black hole and a non-spinning companion, two approximations exhibit chaos and one approximation does not. The fully relativistic scenario of a spinning test-mass around a Schwarzschild black hole shows chaos, as does the Post-Newtonian Lagrangian approximation. However, the approximately equivalent Post-Newtonian Hamiltonian approximation does not show chaos when only one body spins. It is well known in dynamical systems theory that one system can be regular while an approximately related system is chaotic, so there is no formal conflict. However,the physical question remains, Is there chaos for comparable mass binaries when only one object spins? We are unable to answer this question given the poor convergence of the Post-Newtonian approximation to the fully relativistic system. A resolution awaits better approximations that can be trusted in the highly nonlinear regime

    Lagrangian theory of structure formation in relativistic cosmology I: Lagrangian framework and definition of a nonperturbative approximation

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    In this first paper we present a Lagrangian framework for the description of structure formation in general relativity, restricting attention to irrotational dust matter. As an application we present a self-contained derivation of a general-relativistic analogue of Zel'dovich's approximation for the description of structure formation in cosmology, and compare it with previous suggestions in the literature. This approximation is then investigated: paraphrasing the derivation in the Newtonian framework we provide general-relativistic analogues of the basic system of equations for a single dynamical field variable and recall the first-order perturbation solution of these equations. We then define a general-relativistic analogue of Zel'dovich's approximation and investigate its implications by functionally evaluating relevant variables, and we address the singularity problem. We so obtain a possibly powerful model that, although constructed through extrapolation of a perturbative solution, can be used to put into practice nonperturbatively, e.g. problems of structure formation, backreaction problems, nonlinear properties of gravitational radiation, and light-propagation in realistic inhomogeneous universe models. With this model we also provide the key-building blocks for initializing a fully relativistic numerical simulation.Comment: 21 pages, content matches published version in PRD, discussion on singularities added, some formulas added, some rewritten and some correcte

    The effect of a velocity barrier on the ballistic transport of Dirac fermions

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    We propose a novel way to manipulate the transport properties of massless Dirac fermions by using velocity barriers, defining the region in which the Fermi velocity, vFv_{F}, has a value that differs from the one in the surrounding background. The idea is based on the fact that when waves travel accross different media, there are boundary conditions that must be satisfied, giving rise to Snell's-like laws. We find that the transmission through a velocity barrier is highly anisotropic, and that perfect transmission always occurs at normal incidence. When vFv_{F} in the barrier is larger that the velocity outside the barrier, we find that a critical transmission angle exists, a Brewster-like angle for massless Dirac electrons.Comment: 4.3 pages, 5 figure

    Complete Integrability of Geodesic Motion in General Kerr-NUT-AdS Spacetimes

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    We explicitly exhibit n-1 constants of motion for geodesics in the general D-dimensional Kerr-NUT-AdS rotating black hole spacetime, arising from contractions of even powers of the 2-form obtained by contracting the geodesic velocity with the dual of the contraction of the velocity with the (D-2)-dimensional Killing-Yano tensor. These constants of motion are functionally independent of each other and of the D-n+1 constants of motion that arise from the metric and the D-n = [(D+1)/2] Killing vectors, making a total of D independent constants of motion in all dimensions D. The Poisson brackets of all pairs of these D constants are zero, so geodesic motion in these spacetimes is completely integrable.Comment: 4 pages. We have now found that the geodesic motion is not just integrable, but completely integrabl

    Comment on "Control landscapes are almost always trap free: a geometric assessment"

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    We analyze a recent claim that almost all closed, finite dimensional quantum systems have trap-free (i.e., free from local optima) landscapes (B. Russell et.al. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 205302 (2017)). We point out several errors in the proof which compromise the authors' conclusion. Interested readers are highly encouraged to take a look at the "rebuttal" (see Ref. [1]) of this comment published by the authors of the criticized work. This "rebuttal" is a showcase of the way the erroneous and misleading statements under discussion will be wrapped up and injected in their future works, such as R. L. Kosut et.al, arXiv:1810.04362 [quant-ph] (2018).Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Adiabatic Theory of Nonlinear Evolution of Quantum States

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    We present a general theory for adiabatic evolution of quantum states as governed by the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and provide examples of applications with a nonlinear tunneling model for Bose-Einstein condensates. Our theory not only spells out conditions for adiabatic evolution of eigenstates, but also characterizes the motion of non-eigenstates which cannot be obtained from the former in the absence of the superposition principle. We find that in the adiabatic evolution of non-eigenstates, the Aharonov-Anandan phases play the role of classical canonical actions.Comment: substantial revision, 5 pages and 3 figure
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